Sawtry Foodbank

Providing emergency food to local people in crisis

Sawtry Foodbank - 07743 593863

Foodbank Opening Hours
Open Fridays from 3.00pm to 4.00pm
Deliveries between 3.00pm and 5.00pm

The Foodbank offers emergency food to local people in crisis

Telephone: 07743 593863 / Email:

If you need support from the Foodbank team, contact your relevant agency and ask for a referral to Sawtry Foodbank. Please get in touch with us via email or telephone if you need help with finding the most appropriate agency for you.

Online referrals can be done via a number of agencies including: Sawtry Infant School, Sawtry Junior Academy, and Sawtry Village Academy, as well as the Reverend Becky Dyball of All Saints Church and the Cambs County Council teams based at Sawtry Community Centre.

A fuller list of referral agencies can be downloaded here. For more help, please contact us.

Making Donations

The service the Foodbank team offer is completely dependent on donations of basic foods with which they make up the parcels. Our thanks to everyone who has ever made a donation to support our vital work.

If you would like to donate items of food to the Foodbank, you can download our list of basic items here. We have collecting baskets available at various public venues around our community including our CARESCO Centre, the Sawtry Co-op Foodstore, Sawtry Methodist Church, All Saints, Sawtry C of E and at St Giles, Holme C of E.

Alternatively, donations can be made by prior arrangement through the team. To make monetary donations, please contact the CARESCO office for details, or pop your donation, clearly labelled for "Sawtry Foodbank", through the letterbox at the CARESCO Centre.

The sorts of foods that we need are listed below:

  • Tinned: Fruit / rice pudding / custard
  • Tinned: Hot / cold meats or fish
  • Tinned: Potatoes / vegetables
  • Tinned Spaghetti / baked beans
  • Tinned Tomatoes
  • Tea bags
  • Instant coffee
  • Pasta sauces
  • Rice
  • Long-life milk
  • Savoury crackers
  • Long-life fruit juice
  • Crisps
  • Squash, small bottle
  • Biscuits
  • Cereals
  • Jam

Please remember that all donations need to be well in date and undamaged and that we can’t accept frozen, chilled or home-made items. If preferred, we can receive monetary donations which the team will use to top up any gaps on the shelves.

To download a printable version of our shopping list of required items to donate, please click here

For more information about Sawtry Foodbank, please download our leaflet

For more information about our partner agencies and session times of other local food banks, please download our leaflet


Opening its doors for the first time in January 2015 as a pilot scheme to see if there was a demand, Sawtry Foodbank runs under the CARESCO umbrella and through a partnership with the three churches in Sawtry, All Saints C of E, St Benedicts RC (part of St Luke's RC in Peterborough), and Sawtry Methodist Church.

Page last updated: Thu 8 Aug 2024

Donations made via Wonderful will be used for general running costs unless we are told otherwise.